One of the key deliverables for the NATICC project in the first quarter of 2024 was the execution of feedback meetings with all NATICC stakeholders under Gege constituency and one such meeting was conducted on the 10th of April 2024 at Gege Inkhundla with the aim of obtaining feedback from school headteachers, career guidance teachers and school committees on NATICC interventions conducted in the 17 selected schools the previous year. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and document challenges, issues raised and achievements from the previous year as well as make recommendations for the current year. A report was first shared with school administrators which revealed that a total 7,173 in-school youth were sensitized on gender-based violence (GBV), teenage pregnancy (TP) and life-skills in 2023 thus achieving and surpassing the planned target of 7,000 students reached annually. School administrators also received a brief report on school dropouts whereby 52 school dropouts were identified in 7 out of the 17 selected schools, 57% of which were high schools, with Eric Rosenberg High having the highest dropout rate with 10 (19%) dropouts and Vulamehlo Primary with the least dropout rate at only 3 (4%) dropouts. The report also revealed that for 52% of reported school dropouts, the reason was known whilst the rest were unknown. Of those where the reason was known, 26% were due to teenage pregnancy with Siyendle High accounting for 71% of all dropouts due to pregnancy.
During the Feedback meeting, NATICC Executive Director, Mr Sisekelo Nzima, appreciated the collaboration and also expressed his gratitude for the feedback, which indicates that the interventions offered by the organization were beneficial to both students and teachers. He pleaded with teachers to provide accurate statistics on Teenage Pregnancy dropouts as we also use it to gauge if our interventions are effective. NATICC Program Manager, Mr Kenneth Makhanya, empowered the participants on Emotional Intelligence (EI), highlighting the four domains in improving one’s EI. He also empowered the teachers on investing for the future at a young age as financial strife is high amongst younger teachers due to poor financial management skills, further encouraging them to at least save 40% of their salary in order to be financially independent at retirement. He also pleaded with the school administrators to invest in teachers’ development as this is very key for their effectiveness in day-to-day teaching. The participants were also requested to work collaboratively, as NATICC will pilot Teen Clubs in four selected High Schools under Gege in 2024. The Headteachers, through Magubheleni High School Headteacher Mr Mabuza, appreciated NATICC for the interventions conducted in communities under Gege constituency and also highlighted the need for more staff development sessions with teachers.